Monday, August 30, 2010

polaroid art

in my humble opinion, the polaroid camera was pretty much the coolest shit ever invented. dude - electricity has got nothing on those little instant photos.

what i like most about them is how people change them to make different sorts of art. check it:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's 4:03am

...aaaaaand I can't sleep, so why not post something on this poor neglected bloggy blog?

Today I am in Colorado.
Yesterday I was in Oregon.
Last week I was in Alaska.

Things have been a little whirl-windy lately. I spent the summer in Alaska working in a fishing cannery. It was... so different from anything else I've ever done. I don't think I could explain it with any level of clarity in this blog space, and I honestly don't think you'd be interested. So, I shall spare you the details and simply say that you should all take a tour of a fish cannery the next time you're in Alaska. When you do, and you get to the can line, think to yourselves, 'Ah, this is where Kendra spent 122 hours a week. It's a wonder she didn't shoot herself.'

Seriously, though, it wasn't so bad and I made enough money to justify having left my life up in the air for a few months. I'm even considering doing it again. Maybe it is something upon which I shall elaborate at a later date, but for now, I'm just summing up my doings.

In other news, I'm moving to PDX! That's right, Portland, Oregon. It is beautiful there and I am so excited about the rain and the hipsters and the weirdness 24/7.

I love me my Rocky Mountains, but I've decided that I need to start figuring out my life, and Portland seems like a good place to do that. So...

Here's my life to-do list for the next year in Portland (feel free to suggest additions):
-Get a job
-Buy a bike
-Exercise and take vitamins on a regular basis
-Read 1 book/week
-Develop a positive relationship with my new cats. Maybe train one to go on walks with me.
-Volunteer in the art community in Portland (maybe the PAM, Disjecta, or Gallery Homeland)
-Grow out my hair for at least 3 more months, then do something radical
-Study for the GRE, decide which programs to apply for, and start applying
-Maybe get another tattoo (11:11)
-Be zen
-Stop apologizing so much
-Get my shit togetha...

That's it for now. Or at least that's all I can think of now that it is 4:24 am.

For now, be well, be happy, be safe.
much love