Wednesday, September 28, 2011

a once and future endeavor

Well, Jiva and I have done it again... We've let this blog fall to the wayside. Again. Drat. It has been a pretty busy year- that is for sure, so blog neglect can't be judged too harshly. Jiva finished her masters at St. Andrews, and I struggled to stay afloat working two jobs. We have met people and parted ways with them, and found old friends again, and generally speaking, a lot has happened.

But things have settled a little, and perhaps we a
re not quite so 'leaf upon the wind' - ish as we were a year ago. Maybe we can actually contribute to the bloggy blog again?

I won't say that it's something that won't happen
again, but hopefully three time's a charm, and this little puppy won't fall by the wayside.

So, for this inaugural 2011 posting, a little picture, to remind us of the imminent changes that autumn brings.