Wednesday, September 16, 2009

School's Out For the Summer. Not.

Ah summer.  Is ending.  What a drag.  Here's a random selection of snippets from my summie-sum.

I went hiking only once during the two weeks that I was home in Colorado.  But we saw a moose standing literally 20 feet away from us.  He (she?) looked at us and then walked away.  Clearly we didn't look very scrumptious.  Also, we saw this lake.

Capogiro has the best lattes ever.  They even make little designs in the foam on the top.  One day, I got a heart.  That was the best day ever.

Tons of preptests.  The LSAT can suck it. 

Was the fruit this year better than normal?  I don't know, but I ate a lot of it.  And it was sinfully delicious.

I went to the flea market in Clark Park once.  It's basically a random assortment of crazy shit, including lots of VHS tapes.

Also, I got stopped by these people three separate times who asked me if I was aware that the Bible says there is both a father God and a mother God.  They said that I needed to come study with them because I wouldn't be able to find where it's written in the Bible by myself.  One time I talked to them for 40 minutes and told them they were employing copious amounts of logical fallacies to prove their points.  They didn't believe me.  My mom thought they wanted to steal my organs.

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